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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

So I'm only three days late... I decided that it's a new year which is always the perfect time for new beginnings. While I love my tumblr feed, I just wasn't feeling it for posting... so now we are here! Same concept though, just a chronicle of my daily meanderings. I'm hoping that this time I'll be more focused and timely on the posts though. Add that to the resolutions list!

Speaking of that. Here they are:

1. Get on a more consistent workout schedule
2. Eat out less and expand my lacking culinary skills
3. Create a more versatile wardrobe
4. Become a thrift shopping connoisseur
5. Enroll in a master's program
6. Journal everyday
7. Brave the cold, kelpy San Diego surf
8. Visit Las Vegas
9. Limit eating out at work to once a week max
10. Get back to reading more

The theme of this is that I want to lead a more focused, healthy life and stop slacking. Those awesome paychecks aren't going to last forever and it's never too early to start planning for the next adventure of my life.

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